25 December 2011

New Year 2012: Dogs Out

Dinner is always first on our list before we go out and watch the beautiful fireworks courtesy of the more fortunate people/family. Kebab and German franks with Mexican salsa were new on our menu. The ever so present Filipino style spaghetti did not get that much attention, as well as the
poor whole fried chicken.

2012 hand sign and funny faces :)
Ate's Kebab
Some of what we had on New Year
After dinner, we went upstairs and let the dogs out just so they'd be free for the first few minutes of 2012 :D They weren't barking at all unlike all the other days of the past year. Does that mean that they will not be making loud noises this year? Anyway, they were scared of the loud noises of the firecrackers, but hopefuly they enjoyed watching the fireworks display in black and white.

With Lucy
With Ham-Ham aka Hammie
With Dash aka Dashie
Llio and Teddy trying to get a piece of our little hotdog
After 12 midnight, as usual, we went to Lola's (grandmother's) house to make more noise and have some photo ops with Lola, who's still not feeling well... Get well soon Lola!

Us with Lola :D
My cousin had a brilliant idea of recreating an old photo of us in Lola's dining area.

The before and after shot
Before heading back home, we ate more delicious food at our tita's house.

New Year in the Philippines is all about food, foreworks and family. Happy 2012 everyone!

29 November 2011

Pug Love

I really wanted to write an article about pugs 'coz they're so cute!... but mainly because I always see Tina's pug on her blog (http://carrotsncake.com). The pug's name is Murphy.

I actually can't remember how I subscribed to Tina's blog. Since I'm subscribed to her blog, I just read all her posts via mail. What I like about her blog, aside from the fact that there's a lot of cute pug photos in it, is that it doesn't contain too much words and it has lots of photos :)

So, go check out her blog! There are lots of recipes in it as well. <3

Here's a pug owner group site which I'm not really familiar with http://www.forbestpugs.com/ because I don't have a pug.

There are some really rich and famous globe trotting pugs like Valentino's pugs.


His pug troop travel in private jet, private yatch and amazing cars (who wouldn't want to be Valentino's pug?), and lets not forget, they wear diamond jewelries like... well not like every people in this planet. However, it was kind of weird how they treat the little ones, check out the video! One model even called the pug an "idiot."

Here's a pugly drawing from an amazing artist whizzywhizzer. 


Pugly Face
<3 Pugs

Meet My Dashie

31 August 2011

Ultimate Dog Tease

This is so funny... and so not real too! But kudos to the Talking Animal on youtube. This vid is INSANELY FUNNY!

I gotta start teaching my dogs to talk, or at least make a video of them looking like they're actually talking.

16 May 2011

Pot Louge

Just havin' a great time lying here in my precious bed... arfffff POT!

11 May 2011

The Little Black Cutie Dog and the Big Bad Wolf

Let's rest Little Black Cutie Dog

Then, I'll eat you! Im the Big Bad Wolf!

07 May 2011

Dogs Dead in the Sea

Teddy loving the Dead Sea

The Pins (less Conde-licous) enjoying the salty water

30 April 2011

Round and Round

Ham-Ham having fun! :)

There's Something About Cactus

Small cactus, delicious!
~ Ham-Ham

Bigger cactus, better!
~ Ham-Ham

The new victim

Mother's not too happy about it.

I don't why Ham-Ham loves cactus... she eats 'em! Why oh WHY?!
Anyone who's got an explanation, pls post it here. :)

25 April 2011

Llio, ang Tunay na Pilipino! (Llio, the Real Filipino!)

Llio is a very patriotic dog! :)
And this is how he sleeps.

Still workin' on my CS (s)kills

Maso + Ham-Ham

I found this picture of Maso and Ham-Ham on FB. 
This was taken a couple of months ago by my cousin, Ate Persia.

Just workin' my novice CS (s)kills :)

23 April 2011

Finally! Douglas!

Weeks ago I brought Douglas upstairs and played with him.

He's so happy, wiggling all over the place!

He's doesn't want to play alone

He loves other people's company.

And he's so happy to play with me.
Gotta do this again soon!

09 April 2011

Teddy the Mafia

Don'cha dare mess wit ME and my stack of money! 

02 April 2011


I found these photos of Birdy... really cute!
RIP Birdy