29 November 2011

Pug Love

I really wanted to write an article about pugs 'coz they're so cute!... but mainly because I always see Tina's pug on her blog (http://carrotsncake.com). The pug's name is Murphy.

I actually can't remember how I subscribed to Tina's blog. Since I'm subscribed to her blog, I just read all her posts via mail. What I like about her blog, aside from the fact that there's a lot of cute pug photos in it, is that it doesn't contain too much words and it has lots of photos :)

So, go check out her blog! There are lots of recipes in it as well. <3

Here's a pug owner group site which I'm not really familiar with http://www.forbestpugs.com/ because I don't have a pug.

There are some really rich and famous globe trotting pugs like Valentino's pugs.


His pug troop travel in private jet, private yatch and amazing cars (who wouldn't want to be Valentino's pug?), and lets not forget, they wear diamond jewelries like... well not like every people in this planet. However, it was kind of weird how they treat the little ones, check out the video! One model even called the pug an "idiot."

Here's a pugly drawing from an amazing artist whizzywhizzer. 


Pugly Face
<3 Pugs

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